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“Our Journey Together”
By: Brenda Samonds Being my mom’s caregiver was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. I noticed her...
Alzheimer's Association
Dec 3, 2018

Holiday Gift Ideas for People with Alzheimer’s and their Caregivers
Holidays can be difficult for family, friends as well as the person with dementia. Often as family and friends gather to celebrate...
Alzheimer's Association
Nov 27, 2018
Dementia, Wandering and the Holidays
Why is wandering a concern during the holidays? Caregivers should be especially alert to the possibility of wandering during the...
Alzheimer's Association
Nov 26, 2018

From Pain to Piano: A Song for Caregivers
“I hope that this song- or anthem- is one that will draw out conversation with family members to speak about what may be going on in a...
Alzheimer's Association
Nov 19, 2018

Why I Give: Lincoln’s Lemonade Stand
On Tuesday, November 27, people across the nation will come together to make a difference in the world around them. Giving Tuesday is a...
Alzheimer's Association
Nov 15, 2018

National Family Caregivers Month: David’s Story
Hello, my name is David Myers and I am the primary caregiver for my wife, Cheryl. Cheryl was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2012...
Alzheimer's Association
Nov 9, 2018

Ask a Care Consultant: Holidays and dementia
The holidays can be a challenging time for families coping with dementia. Planning ahead and knowing what to expect can make this time...
Alzheimer's Association
Nov 6, 2018

National Family Caregivers Month: Verda’s Story
November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and National Family Caregivers Month. We want to honor the 15 million family and...
Alzheimer's Association
Nov 2, 2018

Music Uplifts in the Fight Against Alzheimer’s
17-year old Hinsdale Central High School Senior Arya Chawla tells us why she participates in Team Up. “I wanted to collaborate with my...
Alzheimer's Association
Oct 12, 2018
TEAMing UP for a Cure
The Alzheimer’s Association® Illinois Chapter invites you to Team Up Against Alzheimer’s. This is a student-focused fundraiser designed...
Alzheimer's Association
Oct 4, 2018

Alzheimer’s Association National Early-Stage Advisor: Tom Doyle
Tom Doyle was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and secondary Parkinsonism in 2016 at age 63. After receiving his Doctorate, Tom moved...
Alzheimer's Association
Oct 4, 2018

Why I Run with ALZ Stars
For as long as I have known Allison, her mother has had Alzheimer’s. When Allison and I first started dating, talking about her mother’s...
Alzheimer's Association
Sep 18, 2018

Why I Walk… Joe’s Story
By: Joe Dulin Answering the question, “Why I Walk” is easy. I walk because I miss my dad and lost him way too soon. This is my...
Alzheimer's Association
Sep 18, 2018

Racing Towards a Cure
By: Jodi Kane This year will be my seventh Chicago Marathon in a row and my sixth Chicago Marathon with ALZ Stars. I’m hooked! I’m...
Alzheimer's Association
Sep 17, 2018

Local man raises money “For Grandma Allie and the hope that we will beat this disease.”
More than 400 Chicago residents will join together and rock out to raise funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The 12th...
Alzheimer's Association
Sep 13, 2018

Why I Walk… Jennifer’s Story
By: Jennifer Steck Our family unknowingly began this journey about five years ago. It started with memory loss – repeating the same...
Alzheimer's Association
Sep 11, 2018

Pawsitively Walking for Alzheimer’s
While some teams will be lacing up their walking shoes for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Macomb, one team will be grabbing their...
Alzheimer's Association
Sep 11, 2018

Why I Walk… Barbara’s Story.
By: Barbara Christ My father passed away on April 6, 2018 after a 15 year battle with Alzheimer’s disease. I watched him go from an...
Alzheimer's Association
Aug 30, 2018

Illinois Chapter Advocate Receives Prestigious Award
Our own Illinois Advocate and Ambassador to Congressman Quigley, Dani Jachino, received the Advocate of the Year Award at the Annual...
Alzheimer's Association
Aug 23, 2018

Why I Walk… Jeff’s Story
By: Jeff Dorsey It was the summer of 1983 when my world was upended with a phone call from my mother in Kansas City saying that my father...
Alzheimer's Association
Aug 16, 2018
Alzheimer's Association Illinois Chapter
2200 Cabot Dr., Suite 460
Lisle, IL 60532
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