At least 30% of AAIC attendees came from outside North America, and 57% identified as female. Remarkably, one-third of participants were under the age of 35, highlighting the conference's significant focus on early-career researchers and low- to middle-income countries. The future of Alzheimer’s and dementia research looks promising.
More than 6,800 (65%) members of the Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART) were registered for AAIC. ISTAART is a diverse global network of scientists, clinicians, and dementia professionals, fostering worldwide connections, networking, mentorship, and staying on the leading edge of scientific advancements.
Local Highlights
Indiana: Kaitlyn Dybing, an advocate and community educator, presented her research findings on the association of Alzheimer's disease polygenic risk score with concussion severity and recovery.
Kentucky: Funded researcher Georgia Nolt showcased her poster on the APOE gene and how its different types can change the risk for Alzheimer's.
Illinois: Jennifer Ventrelle, part of the US Pointer Team, showcased her poster on the US Pointer Study.
A study shared at AAIC24 suggests that the risk of dementia diagnosis due to exposure to wildfire smoke is notably stronger, even with less exposure, compared to the risk from other sources of fine particulate matter such as motor vehicles and factories.
Familiar Faces
National Early Stage Advocate and board member Tony Gonzales, diagnosed in 2021 at the age of 47 with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), was in attendance with his wife, Kori.
Plenary Session Highlights
Engaging plenary session featured Dr. Henne Holstege discussing longevity in adults aged 100 years and older. The study included 480 participants, most of whom appeared to be in their early 80s. Notably, 70% were women, 51% lived independently, and their lifestyle factors included high economic status, higher education, slightly more children, a prevalence of smoking among men, ordinary alcohol consumption, and a generally optimistic outlook on life.
Exhibit Hall Highlights
The second day concluded with a visit to the Alzheimer's Association Care and Support Programs & Research, Public Health, and Systems booth in the Exhibit Hall. It was wonderful to see resources on full display for a global audience. One vendor expressed appreciation for the 24/7 Helpline, sharing how it had supported her while caregiving for her mother.
Inspirational Moment
Winner of the Blas Frangione Early Career Achievement Award, Dr. Eduardo Zimmer, left those in attendance with an inspiring message: "If you believe, you are unstoppable."